Hello! Atishay here.

Learner | Innovator | Programmer | Problem Solver

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If there is something consistent with nature, life and the cosmos, it is harmony, patterns, and the fluid passing of countless moments. Ever since I was a little boy, I was drawn to creating something that resonates with all that life is about. Be it music, art, or advancement. My music taught me to be observant, resilient, and creative. My art helped me understand myself better, and to dream bigger. And, my education taught me to believe in the seemingly impossible, and enabled me to create something beautiful, elegant, and in harmony with the picturesque series of fleeting moments that we call the Human Life.

Do contact me if you would like to discuss the unique, the disruptive, or something that goes against our everyday understanding of the world!

Skills I'm working on


Natural Language Processing

Problem Solving

Website Development

I am proud to let you know that
I have completed over 25 projects!

Here are some of my expertise


Innovative Ideas

Coming up with simple and smart
solutions to everyday problems


Understanding of various industry standard languages including C++, C, Python 3 and Java

Machine Learning

Primarily focused on supervised learning aspect,
am able to find the apt model for the job


Full Stack Development

Hosting web applications with
reactive pages and scalable back end

Amazon Web Services

Hosting EC2 with proper security
measures, ELBs and S3 connectivity

Internet of Things

Making simple yet elegant projects,
with help of sensors and microcontrollers

Cups of coffee
Lines of Code

Projects and Qualification

React Website Summer 2020

Created simple react website to create to-do-list. It doesn't store any data on it's backend, all data is stored on the browser itself and thus deleted when the browser is closed.
I used Now, a serverless deployment service which allowed me to host the app for free.

Link: https://things-to-do.now.sh/

IED Projects Spring of 2019

Made 3 projects that would help us solve some of the small day to day problems we face. First was an ice-despenser that could despence ice automatically according to the water level. Second was a modular table design that would help reduce wire clutter. Third were smart shoes that helped you compose music with your dance.

Final project link: https://sites.google.com/view/fruityshoots/home?authuser=0

Intern at HPE and GAIP Winter of 2018

2 weeks long internship at National University of Singapore organized by GAIP in association with Hewlett Packard Enterprise. I worked on 2 IoT projects. The projects goal was to shift the spectrum of security towards virtualization.

Joined IIIT Delhi Fall of 2018 - 2022

Pursuing Computer Science at Indraprastha Institute Information Technololgy Delhi .
Member of Student Council 2018-2019, organizer of 2 successful hackathons and member of the Organizing Team of our college fest.

CGPA: 9.76   |   SGPA (4th) : 10

Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj Spring of 2016-2018

Did my schooling from DPS Vasant Kunj. As a part of the Student Council, helped organized various events in my school.
Member of Code Warriors, the computer science club of DPS Vasant Kunj. Won 2 interschool competitions and came third in one.
Qualified for RMO and Aryabhatta, two prestigious Math Olypiads.

CBSE 12th Boards (PCME + CS) : 96%   |   CBSE 10th Boards: 10.0